Sunday, February 24, 2013

snow, snow,, si, si!!!

we went from having mid 60 degree days to snow! it was so beautiful and weston loved playing in it, of course...

...we all have had colds the last week, so the blog hasn't had too much action...soon enough i will get more posts up. next weekend we head to the canary islands...can't wait, should get some nice photos to share! xo

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

mimosa tree

blooming here now...

we bought some branches at the market and they smell and look lovely...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

back to the beach...

we spent the day visiting the picasso museum (museu picasso) and going to the beach. the museum was one of the most amazing collections of picasso that i've ever seen. so inspiring, but unfortunately we couldn't take pictures. we walked to the beach from there where weston was in heaven playing in the sand and we were in heaven soaking up the rays...


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

mums and tots...

i was at a coffee shop last week that is perfect for having a toddler because you can drink your coffee and there is a huge room with tons of toys set up for them to play, play, play...anyways i overheard english speaking women talking!!! wow, was i excited...we got to talking and they welcomed me into their group that gets together several times a week! they are from eveywhere...the uk, norway, italy, gal from utah. they are all here because their husbands were transferred here for work. they didn't know each other until they got here and have been hanging out for about a year it seems. the kids range from 6 months to 3 years. i went back to meet them at the coffee shop this week and also went to a "mums and tots" thing today. it reminds me of peps where you sit around and chat with the other moms while the kiddos play. it is so nice to have that interaction and also have weston interact with other are a couple photos that i took today...

Monday, February 11, 2013

day in the life of living in spain...

site seeing in barcelona
going to the gym in sant cugat to go swimming and work out...weston is not fond of his swim sandals as you can see...
driving...quite a crazy experience getting to know the roads and how to use the car...
hanging out with friends we met here and cheering on the barca soccer team...and catching the views of barcelona

having fun, fun, fun!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

a partial outing to gaudi's sagrada familia

we headed into town confident that we would go in and experience this beautiful building. after a long walk, weston soaking his clothes because he had a full diaper, and a long line wrapped around the building - we decided we would just enjoy the outside of it! weston was not in the mood for sight seeing as you can see in the pictures. we figured it will be a good memento for him to have a picture of him crying in front of the sagrada familia...luckily there was a playground right next to the sagrada familia, so we got some shots of weston in a better mood with the amazing structure behind him! chris and i will have to go back there on our own once we find a babysitter for the babe. what a breathtaking site...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

another fun day in barcelona

we took the train in to check out the market (mercat la bouqueria) and to take a walk along the boardwalk...weston has taken a HUGE liking to bikes and "motos"...every time we pass a motorcycle he says, "vroooom" and pretends to fly an invisible motorcycle in the sky...